Selangor Deputy Speaker Hasnul Baharuddin criticized the behavior of many Assembly members who do not take their duties seriously by attending National Assembly sessions.

“They stay half an hour, then leave. When they sign up, they leave. This means that we cannot do anything (against them). “But in practice, it is not right for MPs to do such things – just show that you are there and leave immediately,” Hasnul said during a meeting with the National Anti-Day Programme. of drugs in Pantai Morib, Banting, today, Bernama. reported. Hasnul also said that all Selangor MPs must attend a session within six months, even if it is only for one day.

He was referring to the case of the former legislator for Batang Kali, Harumaini Omar, who lost his seat for not attending the sessions of the National Assembly for six months. Hasnul said that Harumaini can challenge his dismissal as a member of the assembly in the court.

He said the decision made by Selangor chief executive Ng Suee Lim last Thursday had already sent the state legal adviser for further action. Hasnul said that Harumaini contacted him and admitted that he did not give a letter to the assembly or the president explaining why he was absent from the state assembly session, including issues, his wife’s health and other family problems.

“Therefore, in my opinion, he himself did not say anything to the President. He admitted his mistake when I contacted him for clarification (following Ng’s decision).

“It is clearly stated in the state constitution and law that you (members of the assembly) must report within six months. “Even though he (Harumaini) attended the previous session, he was absent for six months from the end (July 27).”

Furthermore, he said that Harumaini also did not show up for the Selangor 2023 budget submission last year.

On February 16, the Batang Kali state seat was declared effective on January 28 as the incumbent, Harumaini, of Pejuang, did not appear for any session for six months. This declaration was made under Article LXIX of the Selangor State Constitution of 1959.

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